Life is a journey, where sometimes the road is wide and smooth and sometimes it is narrow, steep, and windy. Sometimes you can’t see the road at all and don’t know which way to go. Let me be your guide on this journey and together we will find your path toward healing and growth.
What can I do for you?
I serve multiple types of clients, so let’s start with why you might be here.
Young Adult Therapy
Young adulthood is a crossroads with lots of decisions to make that will affect the rest of your life. Therapy can help you figure it all out and get you started on the right path.
Adult Therapy
As an adult, you are expected to be mature, independent, responsible, and make good decisions. This can be overwhelming. Therapy can provide the tools needed to meet life’s challenges.
Culturally Responsive Therapy
As a person, you have many identities related to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc. In culturally responsive therapy, we will explore how these identities intersect with what troubles you.
Philosophy & Approach
I believe effective therapy is built on the foundation of a solid relationship, one that is defined by care, empathy, and acceptance.

Non-judgmental listening
I want to get to know you and build trust with you through active listening, caring, and acceptance.
Pattern finding
I will listen for recurring themes, significant relationships, and significant events.
We will work together to identify, change, and replace self-defeating thoughts with more constructive ones.
The Lotus Flower
The Lotus Flower begins its journey deep in the dark mud, beneath the surface of the water; but, eventually it pushes its way to the surface, reaches the light, and blossoms into one of the most beautiful flowers. In many cultures, Lotus Flowers are seen as a symbol of transition, regeneration, rebirth, enlightenment, and empowerment. Thus, the Lotus Flower seemed the perfect symbol for the journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth that takes place in therapy.
Treatment Approaches
Note: All therapy appointments take place online.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
CBT explores how negative thinking patterns can lead you to feel anxious and depressed and behave in ways that are self defeating. Together, we will use CBT strategies to help you change those patterns and develop more positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Humanistic (Person-Centered) Therapy
I believe that a warm, accepting, empathic, and authentic environment will help you naturally heal, grow, and develop to your full potential. As a Humanistic therapist, I will do my best to provide this type of environment throughout our journey together.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy looks for patterns and connections between the past and the present. As we work together, I will listen for recurring themes, significant relationships, and significant events that have impacted who you are and the challenges you face today.
Integrative Therapy
There are no one-size-fits all therapeutic techniques that work for everyone. To put you on the most effective path to healing and growth, as an Integrative therapist, I will do my best to combine strategies that are most effective for you.
Culturally Responsive Therapy
People from different backgrounds have different values, practices, beliefs, and experiences. As a culturally responsive therapist, I will do my best to respect these differences and take them into account as we explore the challenges you face and work toward helping you live your best life.
What it feels like
Therapy is hard work. I often compare therapy to cleaning out a closet. You know…the one where you keep stuffing things to the point where you are afraid to open the door because you might get buried under a pile of junk. You are afraid if you try to clean it up, you will make an even bigger mess. But, that’s part of the process.
What we’ll do together
My job is to help you clean out that closet, work through the mess and decide what to keep, what to throw away, and what might need some alterations.
Then, we’ll reorganize everything and help you figure out how to keep it that way.
An interview with Dr. Barker:
Reframing and the way we label our experiences
"We don't call you a victim of sexual assault, we call you a survivor. You did not let this beat you, you survived and it can get better." - Dr. Lori Barker